Academia meets Practice. Rule of law in Central Asia. Join us for the next event of the Human Rights & Rule of Law Speaker Series EnRoL! on 17 February 2022, 2 - 3pm (CET)!
Registration is free and now open here.
Our guests:
- Dr. Anja Mihr, DAAD Associate Professor at OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, & Founder and Programme Director of Humboldt Viadrina Centre on Governance through Human Rights, who will give a talk about 'Democratic institution-building in Central Asia', and
- the Tajik human rights lawyer Farangis Zikriyaeva, Co-Founder of Human Rights Matter, who will speak about 'The situation of human rights defenders in the OSCE region'.
For more information about the event, please see our poster.
We look forward to seeing you at the next event of EnRoL!
EnRoL! is the speaker series for everyone interested in the latest developments in human rights and the rule of law. Every two months, we give the floor to two female role models, practitioners and scholars, who will discuss human rights and rule of law matters from around the world. The event is organized by Dr. Stefanie Lemke & Dr. Cong-rui QIAO (VU Amsterdam). For more information about EnRoL!, please see our website.