Join us for EnRoL! with winners of 2024 Podgórecki and René Cassin Awards (2 October)
New article on equal access to justice for women
Delivery of training for UNDP survey on access to justice in Albania
New appointment with UNDP Albania
Talk at conference 'Combatting gender-based violence'
Talk about legal aid at Harvard Law School
For Council of Europe at Central Asia's biggest rule of law conference
A Window to the World: Visit to Oñati
Appointment by Council of Europe
Talk at Harvard University
Research seminar on access to justice at Lund University
New role with UNDP Azerbaijan
International Conference on Access to Justice in Ankara
Talk at International Conference on Access to Justice
EnRoL! on 'Human rights lawyering in a hostile climate' with Hilary Sommerlad & Sophie de Graaf
Join us for the next webinar of EnRoL!
Mission accomplished: Europe's first guidelines on legal aid
Talk about legal tech at UN
UN Strategy on Legal Aid in Lao PDR
UN Legal Aid Workshop on ASEAN region